Unlock the Revitalizing Benefits of a 6-Day Gut Cleanse Detox

Unlock the Revitalizing Benefits of a 6-Day Gut Cleanse Detox

Short Breakdown of the Gut Cleanse

Get Ready: Start by stocking up on raw organic apple cider vinegar (ACV), distilled water, and healthy, plant-based foods, or just fruit if you’re opting for the fruit-only cleanse.

Make ACV Mix: Prepare six gallons of the ACV mix by adding two tablespoons of ACV to each gallon of distilled water.

Days 1 to 6: Eat a healthy diet with three small meals a day, such as avocado, nuts, or fruit. Drink the ACV mix throughout the day. Before bed, take an oxygen-based colon cleanser.

Post Cleanse: Continue with a healthy, plant-based diet with three small meals a day and drink lots of water with fresh lemon.

Read the full details below.

What Does Your Gut Do for You?

When we talk about the “gut,” we’re referring to the entire digestive system, which includes the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and large intestine, also known as the colon. Every part of the digestive tract has a specific role, but the colon is particularly important. It’s a U-shaped section of the intestines, up to six feet long, divided into four parts: ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid. This area houses a complex ecosystem of gut bacteria that helps maintain healthy digestion.

What Is a Gut Cleanse?

A gut cleanse is an effective method to enhance your overall health by improving your gut’s ability to digest food and eliminate toxins. It involves three main steps: eliminating, flushing, and replenishing.

First, you eliminate foods that cause digestive problems, such as dairy, meat, gluten, and other allergens, while consuming a clean diet — ideally all fruit — for several days. Then, you flush your digestive system of accumulated waste, toxins, and harmful organisms. Finally, you replenish your gut with beneficial probiotics. This three-step process can kick-start a healthier lifestyle.

Regular gut cleanses are important as they help maintain your gut health. It’s not a one-time fix but a routine practice to keep your digestive system in check. You’ll feel much better after eliminating old waste and introducing healthier foods and probiotics.

Signs That It’s Time for a Cleanse

The Standard American Diet (SAD), loaded with dairy, sugar, wheat, and processed foods, can wreak havoc on your gut health. This can lead to toxin buildup and even compacted fecal matter in the gut. Many people report that they can feel when it’s time for a gut cleanse. Your body sends out signals to indicate an imbalance. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it might be time for a gut cleanse:

– Skin blemishes

– Mental fog

– Poor sleep

– Low energy

– Poor appetite

– Headaches

– Body odor

– Body aches

– Constipation

– Bad breath

Supplies Needed

To properly conduct a gut cleanse, follow the dietary instructions below. A cleanse is somewhat similar to fasting as you will eliminate many foods you typically eat unless your diet is already very clean. You will need:

– One bottle of Oxy-Powder

– One bottle of Latero-Flora

– Fresh fruit

– Purified water (aim for half your body weight in ounces per day)

Fresh Fruit: These fruits are chosen for their ease on the intestines and nutrient content. It’s best to vary your fruit intake daily:

– Apples

– Avocados

– Bananas

– Blackberries

– Blueberries

– Grapefruit

– Oranges

– Papaya

– Pineapple

– Raspberries

– Strawberries

– Tomatoes

– Watermelon

– White grapes

If you prefer vegetables, you can substitute leafy greens, garlic, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts.

Gut Cleanse Protocol

Here is the daily schedule to maximize the benefits of your six-day gut cleanse. Each day follows the same routine. When you pick a fruit, eat only that fruit for the meal. Chew thoroughly and savor each bite for better digestion.

Waking Up: Say a positive affirmation first thing in the morning, repeating it nine times. This sets a healthy mindset for the day. An example affirmation is, “I am clean and healthy.”

Breakfast: Take two capsules of Latero-Flora 20 minutes before your morning meal. Eat plenty of fresh fruit until full and drink purified water. Repeat your affirmation.

Mid-Morning Snack: If desired, have a piece of fresh fruit and drink purified water. Repeat your affirmation.

Lunch: Eat plenty of fresh fruit until full and drink purified water. Repeat your affirmation.

Mid-Afternoon Snack: Consume a piece of fresh fruit halfway between lunch and dinner, and drink purified water. Repeat your affirmation.

Dinner: Eat plenty of fresh fruit until full and drink purified water. Repeat your affirmation.

Bedtime: Take six capsules of Oxy-Powder two hours after dinner and drink purified water. Repeat your affirmation before sleep for a restful night.

Repeat: Follow this schedule for six days. By the second day, you should have three to five bowel movements daily. If not, increase your Oxy-Powder dosage by two capsules until you achieve this.

Benefits of a Gut Detox

A healthy gut leads to a happy body. When your colon and digestive system function well, your body’s natural detoxification processes are at their best. If your digestive system is compromised, you may not absorb nutrients or water properly, leading to various health issues. Here are the top benefits of a gut cleanse:

Balance Your Emotions: A properly functioning gut can positively affect your mood. Anxiety and stress are linked to inflammation, which a gut cleanse can help reduce.

Regulate & Restore Your Immune System: The microorganisms in your gut interact closely with your immune system. A gut cleanse helps eliminate harmful organisms, promoting gut healing and immune health.

Relieve Constipation & Promote Regularity: An unhealthy diet can lead to constipation and compacted waste. A gut cleanse helps remove waste and flush out toxins, leading to more regular bowel movements.

Increase Energy: Many people report increased energy following a gut detox. You may find you no longer need your morning coffee and feel better overall.

Jumpstart Your Metabolism: Your gut microbiome helps regulate metabolism. A gut cleanse can enhance your body’s natural calorie-burning abilities and may help combat obesity.

Boost Nutrient Absorption: A healthy gut improves nutrient absorption, reducing the risk of conditions like IBD, IBS, malabsorption syndrome, leaky gut, Crohn’s disease, and nutritional deficiencies.

Strengthen Your Brain: Gut health positively impacts brain function. Diets adopted post-detox can help normalize neurodevelopmental disorders. Some probiotics are known to influence brain activity, so reintroduce them into your diet after the cleanse.

Other Ways to Maintain a Healthy Gut

After the cleanse, adopt a healthy diet and incorporate other practices to maintain gut health:

Manage Your Stress: High stress can cause various gut issues. Manage stress with meditation, yoga, and deep breathing.

Take Enzymes: Digestive enzymes aid in food breakdown, supporting digestion and reducing bloating and gas.

Adopt a Plant-Based Diet: A diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains promotes gut health and overall well-being.

Incorporate Probiotics: Probiotics restore healthy gut flora, improve mood, and support skin health. Use supplements with multiple probiotic strains and prebiotics. Include dairy-free probiotic foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, and kimchi in your diet.

Start Exercising: Exercise benefits digestion and boosts the number of beneficial gut microbes.

Points to Remember

A gut cleanse, also known as a colon cleanse, is essential for regulating your digestive system and overall health. It helps you feel better by normalizing your mood, immune system, and digestion, and promoting regularity. An ideal gut cleanse lasts six days, during which you consume only fruit to allow your gastrointestinal tract to detoxify. Post-cleanse, maintain optimal gut health with exercise, supplements, a healthy diet, and stress management.

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