Eliminate Toxic Heavy Metals and Boost Your Health Today

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Eliminate Toxic Heavy Metals and Boost Your Health Today


In recent years, many of us have come to appreciate the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. From choosing organic produce to opting for grass-fed meat and ensuring we get our daily exercise, embracing a healthy way of living has become our strategy to stay in peak condition and slow down the aging process.

However, there’s a hidden health threat that most of us have ignored, which has been quietly damaging our bodies – heavy metals.

Daily exposure to heavy metals from industrial waste, air and water pollution, medications, foods, and more has significantly contributed to the rise in health issues such as autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular problems, neurological concerns, and more.

While chelation therapy can be beneficial, finding a doctor and attending regular intravenous chelation sessions can be impractical for many people.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.

Oral chelation using calcium disodium EDTA is a convenient way to support the body’s natural detoxification of toxic metals. It’s easy to use and can be incorporated into your daily routine with a high-quality supplement.

In this article, we’ll explore the dangers posed by heavy metals, how EDTA can help, and how you can use it at home to enhance your health and wellbeing.

Heavy Metal Dangers

According to the Center for Occupational & Environmental Medicine, while most doctors recognize the dangers of acute heavy metal poisoning, many more people suffer from chronic low-level exposure to metals.

Although our bodies need certain metals in small amounts (like zinc), the accumulation of toxic metals can cause significant harm.

Here are some examples of what metal buildup can do to your body:

Mercury can lead to mood issues and increased stress. Mercury and cadmium can weaken your immune system. Lead can disrupt GABA balance, leading to neurological problems. Lead, cadmium (from smoking), and arsenic can interfere with dopamine, resulting in low energy, lack of motivation, and reduced capacity for pleasure. Metals have also been linked to cognitive decline and other brain issues.

EDTA and Toxic Metals

The good news is that EDTA can help reduce the levels of these metals in your body by supporting its natural detoxification processes.

One study found that “EDTA chelation therapy results in significantly increased urinary losses of lead, zinc, cadmium, and calcium following EDTA chelation therapy.” It achieves this while preserving essential minerals like magnesium.

EDTA works by binding to excess metals in your body. The term “chelation” comes from the Greek word for “claw,” which is fitting.

When you take an oral EDTA supplement, it binds to toxic metals, allowing your body to flush them out.

More EDTA Benefits

The benefits of EDTA extend beyond its ability to help your body eliminate heavy metals.

EDTA also helps to:

Remove excess inorganic minerals – Inorganic minerals are found in the foods you eat and the water you drink. Like heavy metals, an excess of these minerals can harm your health. EDTA binds to these inorganic minerals, helping to remove them from your body.

Support cardiovascular health – While your body needs calcium, it doesn’t always end up in the right place. For instance, your bones need calcium to stay strong, but when calcium accumulates in your blood vessels as plaques, it can lead to high blood pressure and strain on your heart. EDTA helps your body remove these calcium plaques, promoting heart and blood vessel health.

Provide antioxidant support – EDTA offers powerful antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals, which can damage cells and accelerate aging.

With all these benefits, it’s clear why taking an EDTA supplement daily is an excellent way to support your overall health and wellbeing.

How to Choose the Best EDTA Supplement for Your Health

As with all supplements, it’s crucial to choose the right form of EDTA to maximize the benefits of your daily regimen.

The best form of EDTA uses MicroSomal? Technology.

Traditional EDTA supplements, even those claiming to be liposomal, are not as well absorbed and therefore not as bioavailable.

When a supplement isn’t bioavailable, your body can’t utilize it effectively and reap all its benefits.

MicroSomal? Technology, on the other hand, creates a supplement that is 20% more effective and bioavailable than liposomal forms.

So, if you want an EDTA supplement that delivers more power, choosing a MicroSomal? EDTA can provide significant benefits.


The buildup of heavy metals in your body can pose serious health risks, affecting your heart, brain, immune system, and more. EDTA supplementation is an easy way to combat these dangers by binding to heavy metals and supporting your body’s natural detoxification processes.

The key is to choose an EDTA supplement that utilizes MicroSomal? Technology to maximize its effectiveness for your health.

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