Discover 11 Invigorating Alternatives to Replace Your Coffee Fix

Discover 11 Invigorating Alternatives to Replace Your Coffee Fix

Best Healthy Alternatives to Coffee

Going without your daily cup of coffee — or two or three — might seem hard, both emotionally and physically, especially if you have developed caffeine dependence. We have some great options for you, with recipes and health benefits of each.

Chicory Coffee

Chicory root is the alternative that tastes the most like traditional coffee! Of all the potential healthy coffee alternatives, chicory tastes the most like traditional coffee — so much that some companies sell chicory-coffee mixes. You can brew chicory root the same way you brew traditional coffee.

Historically, people used roasted chicory root as a coffee alternative during times of coffee shortages; it remains particularly popular in New Orleans. Some chicory mixes come with other herbs, such as dandelion root.

Chicory is rich in a prebiotic fiber called inulin which not only feeds your healthy gut bacteria but also might reduce occasional constipation. Chicory is naturally caffeine-free, and a great option for people wanting specifically to eliminate that stimulant from their diet. Avoid this choice if pregnant, however.



1–2 tablespoons ground chicory

2 cups hot water

Raw honey or other natural sweetener (optional)


Brew just like coffee (using a french press, drip coffee maker, etc.). Enjoy!

Black Tea

Black tea is helpful for mental alertness because it contains caffeine, but has a lower amount than coffee. Drinking black tea and other caffeinated beverages throughout the day helps to improve attention, even after extended periods without sleep. The stimulating effect increases when there is more caffeine in the beverage.

Tea also contains other beneficial compounds, such as polyphenols and antioxidants. Black tea can even help ease low blood pressure after eating, which can be an issue for older adults.



2 cups boiling water

1 black tea bag or 1 tablespoon loose leaf tea

Raw honey or other natural sweetener (optional)


Place loose tea into a metal ball infuser and place in a cup of boiling water, or add tea bag to boiling water. Steep for 2 minutes. Remove tea bag or infuser. Add sweetener, if desired.

Matcha Tea

Matcha is a type of green tea ground into a fine powder that has an earthy, rich taste with a lingering sweetness. It can slightly increase attention and memory!

Although you can find matcha in some processed foods and even candy, this study found that its health benefits work best when taken in tea form, hot or cold. Try it in a matcha tea smoothie, a great replacement for your morning coffee Frappuccino. Add in some vegan protein powder for an extra boost of healthy amino acids.



1 cup boiling water

2 tablespoons matcha tea powder

1 cup ice

1 cup nut milk

1 tablespoon vegan protein powder

1 tablespoon raw honey


Add matcha to boiling water and let it cool. Once the tea has cooled, pour it into a blender. Add the ice, nut milk, and sweetener. Blend well.

Chai Tea

The spices and herbs in chai tea can improve your gut health. Chai tea is a blend of spices, herbs, and black tea. Chai offers a rich alternative to your morning coffee, especially if you love the fall “pumpkin spice” coffee season. It contains less caffeine than coffee, and the spices it contains, such as cardamom, give you a natural health boost. Cardamom promotes normal blood pressure and has a calming effect, physiologically.

You can order a chai latte at most coffee shops in place of a traditional latte or make this drink at home.



1 chai tea bag

1 cup water

1 cup organic nut milk

1 tablespoon raw honey


Heat the water and nut milk. Add the tea bag and sweetener. Steep for 5 minutes.

Natural Hot Chocolate

It is easy to replace the taste of your morning mocha with a non-coffee alternative — natural hot chocolate! Simply mix organic cocoa powder with nut or oat milk, and enjoy! You can also add in chicory if you want a bit more coffee flavor in the hot chocolate.

Cocoa powder is truly an antioxidant superfood; it aids weight loss, decreases redness and swelling, and improves brain health and mood. While cocoa contains a small amount of caffeine, it contains much less than coffee.



2 tablespoons organic, unsweetened cocoa powder

2 tablespoons organic maple syrup

1–2 cups nut or oat milk, heated

? cup brewed chicory (optional)


Add cocoa powder and maple syrup to a mug. After heating the nut or oat milk, pour it into your mug and mix well. For a special treat, top with vegan marshmallows.

Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is a rich, plant-based drink that originates from South America, from the same scientific genus as holly trees (Ilex). Yerba mate contains less caffeine than coffee, while still offering some attention-boosting effects.

Yerba mate may promote normal cholesterol, protect the liver, and support the cardiovascular system. If that weren’t enough, it also acts as a mild stimulant; some experts have even suggested using it for obesity management. Yerba mate slows the development of obesity in several ways, including protecting against insulin resistance and modulating levels of blood lipids (fats).

Try this refreshing and easy cold-brewed yerba mate for an afternoon pick-me-up.



2 cups cold water

2 tablespoons loose–leaf yerba mate, or 2 tea bags

Sweetener (optional)


Add cold water and yerba mate into a glass. Store in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, add sweetener if desired.


You’ve heard it a million times: drink more water! But it’s true. You should drink half your body weight in ounces every day for best health — so if you crave a cup of joe, reach for your water bottle. Water not only decreases your appetite, it helps you lose weight without resorting to a stimulant.

Drinking 1.5 liters (around 50 fluid ounces) of water helps with weight reduction, body fat reduction, and appetite suppression. Drinking more water also helps to reduce constipation. Some people love water, but if it’s not usually your favorite, pep it up. Try making lemon water for a fresh, caffeine-free drink, or make flavorful detox water. See our article on Detox Water Recipes for more ideas.



4 cups cold distilled water

1 cup ice

Juice of ? lemon


Add all ingredients to a pitcher. Store in the refrigerator.

Golden Milk Latte

This drink may be your new go-to for better digestion and relaxation! Golden milk lattes are warm, comforting drinks full of turmeric, which can even aid in weight loss. Including turmeric in your diet may help reduce the risk of obesity.

A traditional Ayurvedic comfort drink, golden milk helps with relaxation and digestion. Because of its relaxing effects, many people prefer to drink it in the evening, rather than as a morning pick-me-up — but see what works for you.



2 cups nut or oat milk

1 tablespoon turmeric

1 teaspoon ground ginger or 1 tablespoon sliced fresh ginger root

1 teaspoon ground black pepper or fresh peppercorns

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Add nut or oat milk to a saucepan. Oat milk will have a frothy texture similar to traditional lattes. Add spices and vanilla and simmer ingredients for a couple of minutes. Pour the drink through a fine-mesh strainer into a mug.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help boost metabolism, decrease fatigue, and lower triglycerides, which are fats that circulate in your blood. A couple additions make the drink extra healthful: a dash of cayenne pepper will help you feel full for longer, and orange juice brings in a potent source of vitamin C.

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