Unlocking Heart Health: The Advantages of EDTA Chelation

Unlocking Heart Health: The Advantages of EDTA Chelation


We all know how crucial calcium is for our bodies. Not getting enough can leave you feeling exhausted, dizzy, and even suffering from brittle bones, weak teeth, brain fog, and muscle spasms. That’s why daily calcium intake is so important.

However, not all the calcium you consume ends up in the right places, like your bones. Instead, it can accumulate in your arteries and small blood vessels, forming plaques that obstruct blood flow, raise your blood pressure, and place significant strain on your heart health.

That’s why doctors often recommend chelation therapy to help manage heart and blood vessel health. Chelation is a natural method that supports the body’s ability to clear calcium plaques from the blood vessels, improving heart health. However, it can be both inconvenient and costly.

Fortunately, intravenous chelation isn’t your only option. Oral chelation, using a high-quality EDTA supplement, is convenient, effective, and can be done at home. In this article, we’ll explore how calcium plaques impact your heart health, explain what EDTA is, and discuss how it can help. We’ll also cover what to look for in an EDTA supplement to make your chelation journey more effective.

Calcium Buildup and Your Heart Health

Calcium is essential for keeping your muscles, nerves, and blood vessels functioning properly, but there’s more to the story. Excess calcium can build up in your arteries, leading to:

Reduced blood flow to the heart

Decreased arterial elasticity

Higher blood pressure in your heart’s blood vessels

Doctors use coronary artery calcium (CAC) scans to detect early signs of heart problems, which highlights the importance of addressing calcium buildup through chelation.

What is EDTA Chelation?

The term “chelation” comes from the Greek word for “claw.” Chelation therapy involves grabbing onto calcium and even toxic metals in the bloodstream, allowing the body to naturally flush them out. This method originated in Germany in the early 1930s to remove heavy metals like aluminum, cadmium, mercury, and lead, and the FDA approved it for similar uses.

Besides supporting vascular and heart health through calcium chelation, it also helps remove toxic metals, which can:

Promote healthy cognitive function

Support mood and reduce stress

Boost the immune system

Enhance energy and motivation

Today’s oral EDTA chelation supplements make the process more convenient and accessible than traditional intravenous therapy. Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid, or EDTA, is a simple amino acid that can latch onto minerals, metals, and other toxins in the bloodstream. It’s quite similar to ordinary household vinegar, making it extremely natural.

In addition to its chelating properties, EDTA can also stabilize food, preserving its freshness and flavor. It’s so safe that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have approved it for use in foods ranging from canned vegetables to baby food.

Which EDTA Supplement is Right for Me?

When selecting an EDTA supplement, the key factor to consider is bioavailability, which determines how much your body can absorb and use, affecting its overall effectiveness. Unfortunately, traditional EDTA supplements are often hard for the body to absorb. Even liposomal products that claim higher bioavailability may struggle with tissue penetration, stability, and maintaining a liquid state.

Moreover, these products are typically made with chemicals, solvents, and non-organic ingredients, making them less desirable for health-conscious individuals.

This is where a Calcium Disodium EDTA supplement made with MicroSomal? Technology stands out. MicroSomal? Technology uses glycerosomes—unique vesicles composed of organic raw cold-pressed unfiltered phospholipid blends, triple distilled biophotonic structured water, and organic vegetable glycerin.

These glycerosomes are highly effective at penetrating and being absorbed by tissues and cells due to their nanometer size, compared to standard liposomes. In fact, MicroSomal? Technology enhances the effectiveness and bioavailability of supplements by 20% more than standard liposomal products.

This means you get more benefits from your EDTA regimen daily.


While calcium is essential for your overall health, it can pose a serious risk to your heart when it builds up in your blood vessels. Fortunately, EDTA chelation can help, binding to calcium and toxic metals to support your body’s natural detoxification process. Taking a MicroSomal? EDTA supplement daily can significantly enhance your heart and blood vessel health.

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